For the Community • By the Community

Bainbridge Area Food For Friends

Most needed items: In addition to all non-perishable food items, the pantry is always seeking donations of toiletries (deodorant, toothpaste, bath soap, shampoo), paper goods (toilet tissue, Kleenex, paper towels) and cleaning supplies (dish and laundry detergent, all-purpose cleaner).

Drop-Off Sites: Lobby bin at Bainbridge Library and at the Pantry, located on the lower level of Bainbridge Town Hall.

Monetary Donations may be made in the Bainbridge Area Food For Friends account at PNC Bank, Solon. Please note that in these economic times, demand at the pantry has increased dramatically. Please keep us in mind for your generous donations! Thanks!

If you or someone you know needs the confidential assistance of the pantry, please call 440-708-9829.

Bainbridge Area Food For Friends was founded in 1990 by John Bauswein and Anne Bauswein North. Now co-sponsored by Bainbridge Civic Club and Spirit of Bainbridge, it is a local entity supported totally by local donations and fundraising events. BAFFF receives no government funding.


Inside this Spirit...

  • Our "Civics 101" series of articles continues with Ian Lewis' unique slant on "civility"˗˗˗appropriate as Presidents' Day nears. Please see page 6.
  • One of our most loved writers, Mary Ryan, talks about the "gravy years" in her Scrapbag column on page 13.
  • Our Spirit Winter Health Guide is loaded with solid information and resources to help you maintain those New Year's resolutions. Begin your healthy trek on page 8.
  • Our 2025 Spirit Camp Guide will whet your appetite for those warm winter months and all that they can offer for your family. Explore your many varied options on pages 20-23.

Our next edition will be delivered March 1, 2025,

 and will feature our 

Spirit Senior Guide and

the first of five

Spring Home & Garden Guides.

Editorial Deadline is Feb. 14.  

Ad Deadline is Feb. 19.

Email us at for more information!

This Just In...

NPower Services Launches Kindness Sewing Circle at

Celebration Lutheran Church on Feb. 7

 NPower Services, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting adults with disabilities, is thrilled to announce the launch of its new Kindness Sewing Circle. This integrated monthly gathering is open to people of all abilities and provides a creative space for participants to craft fabric projects that benefit others in need. In collaboration with Sew4Service and Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Rd., Chardon. This free event will take place on the first Friday of each month from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the church. The first four scheduled dates are Feb. 7, March 7,  April 4 and May 7, 2025.

Sew4Service is a local charitable group whose volunteers dedicate their time, talents, and materials to create items that make a difference in the community. Past projects have included quilts, blankets, fabric books, holiday stockings, placemats, and hand-knit or crocheted items. Recipients include disaster victims, homeless people, veterans, cancer patients and others. Led by Anne Marie Wolfe, NPower Services’ Project Coordinator, the Kindness Sewing Circle is designed to provide individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities the opportunity to contribute to sewing and fiber arts projects that benefit meaningful causes. “I’m so excited to launch this program,” says Wolfe. “We’ve built strong partnerships with both Sew4Service and Celebration Lutheran Church, and together we’ve worked on projects that have brightened the lives of many. Project: Kindness is all about collaboration and making a positive impact—and I’m looking forward to seeing the good we accomplish by working together.” This free, welcoming event invites community members to come together and create handmade items that will make a lasting impact. Anyone interested in participating can email Anne Marie Wolfe at or register online via the NPower Services website’s event calendar.

CV Herb Society Meets Feb. 21

The Chagrin Valley Herb Society will be holding its monthly meeting on Friday, Feb. 21 12:30 p.m. at the Bainbridge Library.
Light refreshments will be served during social time, followed by a special presentation about ferns from Auburn Pointe Greenhouse & Flowers. 

Prospective members can learn about the organization at and on Facebook and Instagram.

Please make a reservation by contacting CVHS at  

VSAP Is Here to Help 

For 48 years Valley Save-a-Pet has been helping pet parents obtain low cost spay/neuter services for their companion pets. Applications are now being accepted for the 2024 VSAP Have-a-Heart program. 
If you or someone you know is interested in applying for a spay/neuter certificate for a companion pet, call 440-232-PETS (2287) and speak with a HAH volunteer. Phone lines are open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and the first Saturday of the month with the following exceptions for July, August and September when the line will be open on the second Saturday. 
Modest added charges are required for any animal not current on vaccinations and for large dogs whose weight might require special anesthesia.
Spay/neuter services for feral cats to to help reduce the feral cat population are also available.
To learn more about Valley Save-A-Pet’s programs and events, please visit



Trustees' Column


Civics 101

Letters to the Editor

Spirit  Health


Jeff Griff column


Film Focus

Valentine's Day

Community Spirit

Real Estate

Kenston Spirit

Camp Guide

St. Joan of Arc

Book Reviews

Spirit Classifieds

Pages 8-11

Pages 16-19

Pages 20-28

Requires Acrobat Reader


Contact Us:

  • Phone: 440-478-2950 Please leave a message!
  • NEW MAILING ADDRESS: 242 Reber Ave., Lancaster, OH  43130-1758
  • NEW email:

The Spirit of Bainbridge mailed to every home and business in Auburn and Bainbridge Townships (zip code 44023).

Additional copies are distributed locally at Bainbridge Library, Lowe’s Greenhouse, and other locations in Auburn, Aurora, Bainbridge, Chagrin Falls, Chesterland, Solon and South Russell.

Approximately 7,300 copies of Spirit of Bainbridge are circulated.

Copyright 2024 Spirit of Bainbridge Inc.
No portion of content may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Anne E. North, Publisher, 242 Reber Ave., Lancaster, OH 43130-1758